Of Being Sharp and Emotional

Just Shaida.
2 min readAug 8, 2023
Photo by Hiki App on Unsplash

I’ve been told before that I’m a sharp person. Not once — multiple times on other occasions from different people and with different wordings.

Not only that, my emotional depth, ‘softness’ and sensitivity is also regarded as weaknesses.

I wasn’t okay with these ‘labels’. Only up until recently that I realised that, you know what?

Yeah, I’m sharp! Yeah, I’m soft! And I can turn them around against ya, you know?

Enough is enough.

I’ve come to realise that the key to mastering this game isn’t just about knowing the rules — it’s about rewriting them.

Recently, I’ve found myself in a situation where my perceived weaknesses turned into my greatest strengths. With a playful smile and a newfound perspective, I’ve embraced this challenge and embarked on a journey to flip the table, playing the game of life on my own terms.

Having been told you’re both sharp and soft is a weird combination — and it messed me up big time for a while. But as I reflected on these seemingly contrasting traits, a revelation dawned upon me — they’re not contradictions; they’re my secret weapons.

Turning the table isn’t about defiance; it’s about empowerment.

And yes, I’ve long decided to wear my heart on my sleeve — with a smile. This smile isn’t just a symbol of joy; it’s a declaration of authenticity. It says,

“I’m not afraid to feel, to connect, to understand.”

And with my sharpness, I fully intend to speak my mind (even when I have to lose potential suitors along the way *whoops*. Whelp… Their loss 🙊)

I love this quote someone preached on TikTok:

“the world will define you according to its perceptions if you won’t define yourself”

and honestly? it hits home.

I’ve learned that in this grand game of life, the power to rewrite the narrative rests within us. It’s about embracing our unique blend of qualities and showcasing them with confidence. My sharpness and softness aren’t opposing forces; they’re harmonious notes in the symphony of my existence.

There’s this old Malay saying — ular yang menyusur akar tidak akan hilang bisanya which roughly, literally translates to a snake that slides through roots won’t lose its venom. You get the semantic gist. If you don’t, pretend you did.

So if any prick comes at me (though I really want to bite their heads off): I’ll smile and speak less but when the opportunity arises, I’ll be sharp.

Bring it on!

